Largest range of collaborative robots.

NEW T-series: Starting from 7500€

Looking to automate your factory without wasting time or money? Now you can — with the T-series scara robots from Epson.

NEW VT-series: Revolution starting from 13 000€!

A 6-axis robot with 6kg payload at this cost is the start of next automation revolution!

Wisematic SOLU™ cells: A quick start from 8 600€!

Let’s build your application on our cell platform – fast and easy! 

NEW N-series: Next generation capabilities

Fast and agile 6-axis robots reach beyond others.


The time to bring digital revolution to your factory floor is now. 
Let’s make the new capable and affordable industrial robots work for you.

Wisematic Oy on EPSONi ja Doosani robotid ametlik maaletooja Eestis.

Wisematic Oy pakub teenuseid alljärgnevatel tööstusautomaatika suundadel:

  • Uus Epson tööstusrobotid

  • Uus Techman koostöörobotid

  • Täielik robotiseeritud lahendusi

  • Videojälgimissüsteemid

We MAKE Robots rock for you!

Make a leap in productivity by putting our new collaborative robots to work! Collaborative robots can operate safely among people without big changes to the normal factory environment. These cobots can sense and see – they know how to align parts and assemble them together. They can check that all required parts are present. Cobots can do heavy palletizing for you and tend your production machine too.

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Keep your production safe at home. 

Wisematic is focused on bringing flexible, capable and affordable robots to your factory floor – we want to enable profitable automated production in the Nordics.

There are enormous risks in offshoring and outsourcing the production of a newly developed high tech product –  you might endanger critical core IPR and at the same time subject yourself to the uncontrolled price increases of the vendor. Half of the companies that shift processes offshore fail to generate the expected financial benefits.

We give you the possibility to set up profitable and flexible production in the Nordics. Since early 2000 we have developed solutions for reconfigurable automated production.

Current industrial robots and sensor based controls take full benefit of the increased computing power – flexible robotic manufacturing is now affordable and can adapt to the changing product mixes of days to come.

Our Partners


6-axis robots

Linear modules

Machine Vision

Feeding systems

Collaborative robots

Adaptive Soft Grippers

Feeding systems

Companies We Work With: